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Guide to Olympic Weight Training

Written by Zogics | June 29, 2017

Olympic weight training is the best way to rapidly improve one's strength. In general, this form of weightlifting involves two types of lifts: the clean and jerk and the snatch. The snatch involves the lifting of a barbell from the ground to overhead with one movement. The clean and jerk involves a lifting of the barbell from the ground to the shoulder level. This is referred to as the “clean”. The next step is to lift the barbell from shoulder level to the overhead position. This second portion of the lift is referred to as the “jerk”.

Olympic Weightlifting as a Sport

Olympic weightlifting is considered a sport as it is often performed in a competitive manner. Weightlifters have three attempts in the clean and jerk along with three attempts in the snatch. The weight of each competitor's best lift is added to his total. The weightlifter with the highest total is the champion.

Why Olympic Weight Training is Going Mainstream

More and more people are getting involved in Olympic weight training as time progresses. This style of weightlifting is not strictly limited to two types of lifts. There are numerous variations of the clean and jerk and snatch lifts. Examples of such alterations include the power jerk, the hang clean, the power clean, the power snatch and the hang snatch. Certain supplemental lifts also full under the Olympic weight training umbrella. They include the push press, the press, the front squat and the back squat. All different types of athletes and everyday people are using these lifts to improve their strength and general explosiveness.

How to get Started With Olympic Weight Training

Those who are familiar with the nuances of Olympic weight training usually advise learning the clean and jerk along with the snatch from an experienced professional. Your gym can bring a qualified weightlifting coach aboard to help members with the intricacies of Olympic weight training. It is also possible to hold instructional sessions in which members learn how to engage in Olympic weight training in the proper manner. If you do not want to hire a weightlifting coach for your facility, consider performing some research on weightlifting books, blog posts about weightlifting and videos that will help your members and staff gain a comprehensive understanding of this unique style of lifting. Point them in the direction of these resources and watch them blossom.

The Equipment Necessary for Olympic Weight Training

If your gym is to offer Olympic weight training, you will need the appropriate equipment. Your facility will require weightlifting platforms, bumper plates and the proper barbells. Pick up plenty of wholesale Olympic weight plates and Olympic weight plate storage units for your members' use. When in doubt, err on the side of having an abundance of these Olympic weight training items so your facility members can access them whenever desired.

Stepping up to Competitive Olympic Weightlifting

If you or one of your fitness facility members takes Olympic weight training seriously, it is possible to compete against others. However, there are some requirements to compete in Olympic Weightlifting in the United States. One must be an active member of USA Weightlifting. Though it is not necessary to work with a coach or sign up for a weightlifting club or a weightlifting team, having an experienced Olympic weightlifter in your corner will certainly help. Check out the USA Weightlifting website to learn about your area's local weightlifting competition schedules.

The Importance of a Coach

It is advisable to speak with an experienced Olympic weightlifter or a weightlifting coach to learn the ins and outs of these grueling lifts. A knowledgeable and experienced weightlifting coach will evaluate your movements. As an example, a savvy weightlifting coach will help you perfect your technique to preserve as much energy as possible during your lifts. However, this is not to say Olympic lifts are egregiously difficult to master. In some instances, it only takes a couple of sessions to teach certain athletes to perform flawless Olympic lifts.

Frequency of Lifts

In general, the average person requires several sets per week to excel at Olympic weight training. The key is to maximize movement efficiency and develop sound technical patterns through practice. Start out by performing four lifts per day with one complex ahead of training. Continue with this Olympic weight training schedule and you will gradually improve. Don't forget to mix in some core work along with corrective work at least every other day to fortify your muscular foundation.

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