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Appealing to Health-Focused Millennials

Written by Zogics | June 1, 2017

Millennials are the fastest growing age cohort in the United States. These youngsters are shaping the cultural fabric of our society. They are easing their way into the workforce and earning an ever-growing portion of the economic pie. This is precisely why business owners and managers are paying close attention to millennials.

In particular, millennials are reshaping the landscape of physical fitness centers. Their nuanced exercise desires are forcing gym owners and managers to alter everything from exercise equipment offerings to hours of operation, marketing strategies and beyond. The bottom line is that contemporary businesses can't afford to ignore the desires of millennials. Let's take a look at why millennials are so important and what these youngsters are looking for in a gym.

Millennials are Interested in Physical Fitness and Health

Millennials get a bad rap for being lazy, addicted to video games, anti-social and entitled. However, those who dig deeper into the millennial age cohort to find out the real truth learn these youngsters are quite active. They are focused on nutrition, physical fitness and general well-being. In fact, the millennial age cohort is represented more than any other age group when it comes to fitness club memberships. As a result, their idiosyncratic desires must be accounted for. 


What Millennials are Looking for in a Fitness Center

Millennials demand a flexible workout space. They are looking for a wide variety of offerings, ranging from high intensity interval training to group classes, high-tech gym workout accessories, personal training sessions, sports courts, virtual reality fitness games and beyond. This age cohort is particularly interested in participating in fitness classes at varying times throughout the day and night.


Millennials Place a lot of Stock in the Fitness Center Atmosphere

These youngsters are looking for a fitness center with a true communal atmosphere. They want to interact with fellow gym members and the facility's staff to establish meaningful relationships. Millennials also like to share information. Their passion for sharing just about everything on social media is a testament to millennials' "open" ways.

Every gym should offer diverse group fitness classes that promote a sense of community. Examples include Zumba, Pilates, yoga, cycling, boot camp fitness, step aerobics etc. Take advantage of yoga equipment wholesale offers and you will have plenty of mats for your millennial members. It isn't just the millennial women who enjoy yoga. Millennial men are also embracing yoga with open arms. Do not hesitate to dedicate an entire room of your facility to yoga instruction. Millennials will fill the space in due time.


Millennials are Looking for Intense Exercises

Millennials have earned a reputation for “going hard”. They are looking for a quick means of exercise that works the entire body without wasting time. They want to get in and get out of the gym without spending more than an hour or so in the facility. This means millennials favor high-intensity fitness classes and workout equipment. Do not hesitate to hire specialists to teach high-intense exercise classes. Millennials will flock to these classes in droves.


Recognize the Fact That Millennials are Beginning to Reproduce

The oldest millennials were born in the early 1980s. These individuals are in their early to mid-30s. Many are having kids of their own. This means they prefer a fitness center that provides childcare or at least a safe and entertaining space where the kids can hang out for an hour while mom and/or dad enjoy a workout. Design your gym so it has true family appeal and your facility will prove that much more attractive to older millennials who are starting families of their own.


Key in on Technology

Millennials are absolutely infatuated with technology. If your gym doesn't have modern equipment with digital features, millennials will inevitably leave for your competitors. Embrace technology, whether it is online fitness programs, gym workout accessories, smartphone apps for fitness goal tracking, cutting edge workout machines or even virtual reality. There are plenty of fitness-oriented virtual reality simulations that merely require a VR headset, motion controls and some open space.

These forms of fitness-related technologies aren't merely meant to infatuate youngsters who grew up staring at screens for hours on end. Technology really does play a meaningful role in health and wellness. It is especially important for tracking progress and striving toward fitness goals.

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