Zogics Blog | Experts in All Things Facility

Best Practices to Keep Your Fitness Facility Safe

Written by Zogics | February 10, 2022

In this post:

  • A recap of a Club Business International article featuring our CEO, Paul LeBlanc
  • Help ease consumer worries about safety
  • 5 rules to keep your fitness club running smoothly

Best Practices for Cleanliness Continue to Evolve

It's clear to many that fitness club members and guests still have safety concerns regarding in-person gym attendance. As has been the case since before the pandemic began, health clubs must review and adjust their cleaning and safety protocols to encourage member attendance and loyalty. We were recently featured in IHRSA's Club Business International Magazine article, Five Rules to Keep Health Clubs Clean and Safe. Let's take a quick look at the five ways to keep your club running smoothly.


"One of the major outcomes of the global pandemic has been a heightened awareness of cleanliness, both of the health clubs people frequent and in general. We are seeing many clubs that have reopened with a renewed sense of hygiene." - Paul LeBlanc, Zogics CEO


1. Plan for the Long-Term

Clubs should no longer think of extensive cleaning and indoor air quality measures as responses to the ongoing pandemic. In fact, those clubs that are attracting members back to stay are those that have incorporated enhanced protocols into their day-to-day operations. 


2. Focus on Indoor Air Quality

Indoor air quality (IAQ) remains one of the most crucial areas that clubs should be addressing, whether we are in the midst of a pandemic or not. Research going back years before the pandemic shows that improvements in air ventilation and air quality lead to increased cognitive function and productivity. Having air purifiers in shared workout spaces, fans with technology to improve indoor air quality, and HVAC filters with MERV ratings of 13 or higher should be part of how clubs maximize safety.


3. Surface Cleaning & Disinfection

Surface cleaning at fitness clubs has long had its place in retaining and attracting members by promoting healthy, clean spaces. It's crucial to have the right amount of hand sanitizerantibacterial gym wipes, and gym wipes dispensers throughout your facility. We recommend wipes and dispensers in every room in your facility, and at every entrance and exit point. 


4. Encourage Cleaning Protocol Participation

Cleaning protocols, simply put, will fail if not followed. By committing to an increased focus on cleanliness, consider cleaning your facility on a regular schedule when members are present to reassure them of your cleaning protocols. If members see staff, trainers, and your cleaning team in action,  you'll find it's easy to engage members in healthy cleaning practices.


5. Keep Communication Lines Open

Social media, email, signage, and verbal communication: all are important tools to keep members informed of your club's cleanliness and let members know what's expected of them in your facility.

"We believe that the community a health club creates is like no other, and working out in a safe, healthy manner is not only good for the physical aspect, but for the mental benefits as well, and we want to support clubs (and their members) as best we can. Now more than ever, a clean facility is one of the best ways to improve and retain your bottom line." - Paul LeBlanc, Zogics CEO  



Facility Recommendations: We Can Help

We're proud to help tens of thousands of health clubs, gyms, and fitness facilities perform at their best. Zogics is here to help you make the most out of your facility maintenance goals from member attraction to retention and profitability. And for more fitness club resources, our friends at IHRSA offer numerous resources for any size club. 

If you want specific recommendations for your facility, we’re happy to develop a custom plan with recommended solutions. Let us help you keep staff and clientele healthy, and build confidence in the safety of your space. Simply drop us a line at
hello@zogics.com and one of our expert team members will quickly be in touch. 


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