GOJO Dispenser Systems Comparison
How do you know which GOJO soap dispenser system is best for you? With so many options to choose from, we've developed this comparison to help you with decision making. Engineered reliability and easy servicing is what drives the robust construction and inventive design of GOJO soap dispenser systems.

Cross System Features
GOJO is known for building the industry's most reliable easy-to-service skin care systems and their soap dispensers provide the highest level of dependability. These features are included on all GOJO dispenser systems:
- Lifetime guarantee
- Switch between locking or not locking – key included with all dispensers
- Multiple colors and finishes available
- Soap refills are easy to recycle
- ADA compliant, one-handed operation

ADX Dispenser System
The ADX hand soap dispenser is available in two sizes; the GOJO® ADX-12™ is designed for higher capacity while the GOJO® ADX-7™ can fit in more compact spaces.
- Slim design
- High-capacity output option
- Large sight window for at-a-glance monitoring
- Compatible with GOJO® ADX-7™ 700 mL and GOJO® ADX-12™ 1250 mL refills

LTX Dispenser System
The touch-free LTX system takes efficiency and hygene up another level. The LTX dispenses the necessary amount of hand soap automatically for highest efficiency. The touch-free dispensing system futher reduces the spread of germs.
- Smart, trouble-free electronics eliminate battery changes in most installations
- Large sight window for at-a-glance monitoring
- Compatible with GOJO® LTX-7™ 700 mL and GOJO® LTX-12™ 1250 mL refills
FMX Dispenser System
The FMX soap dispensing system maximizes capacity which means fewer change-outs and less labor while still maintaining a compact design.
- Small size, high-capacity design
- Compatible with GOJO® FMX-12™ 1250 mL and GOJO® FMX-20™ 2000 mL refills
GOJO Soaps
Each GOJO dispensing system is compatible with several different types of soaps, making it easy to find the right fit for any facility.
- Antibacterial Plum Foam Handwash
- Citrus Ginger Foam Hand and Showerwash
- Botanical Foam Handwash
- Clear and Mild Foam Handwash
Still not sure which GOJO soap dispensing system is right for you? Give us a call at 888.623.0088 or email us at hello@zogics.com and we will help! We can provide more insight as to the best GOJO product line to fit your needs.
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