Safe & Easy Post-Injury Exercises
Returning to physical activity following an injury is quite the challenge. If you go too hard, you run the risk of re-injuring the body site that was previously strained, hyperextended, broken or harmed in another manner. Yet you don't want to take it too easy or you won't obtain considerable benefit from your workout. Abide by the safe and simple exercises outlined below and you will gradually ease your way back into your typical workout routine in due time.
Light Cross-Training
Branch out with some light cross-training in which you perform an array of activities that work all different sections of your body. This diverse workout will improve your general physical fitness while your injured body site regains its strength. Furthermore, exercising the entire body will also help prevent another injury.
As an example, if you hurt your knee while running, incorporate a low-impact exercise like swimming into your workout routine. If you slipped and hurt your forearm while playing racquetball, start out with a hike through the woods or another activity that works the lower body so your injured site is not subjected to considerable stress.
Gradually mix in Some Strength Training With Wellness Center Equipment
Strength training is one of the best forms of exercise as it ameliorates the injury rehabilitation process. Strength train with weights and resistance bands and you will likely find that it is much more efficient than you originally anticipated. While cardio exercise chews up time through seemingly endless repetition, strength training is comparably quick. Furthermore strength training at a reasonable level won't result in common repetitive strain injuries (shin splints, plantar fasciitis etc.), like those suffered during cardio.
Make use of the appropriate wellness center equipment such as light free weights, resistance bands and other machines for your strength training for safe yet precise workouts that do not aggravate your injured body site. This is a critically important rehab advantage that is often overlooked by injured parties as well as some alleged physical fitness gurus.
Bouncing Back From an ACL or Other Lower Body Injury
A weakened ACL or other lower body injury will benefit from increased blood circulation. Warm-up with some light stretching and jogging. Transition to wellness center equipment like a bike machine and/or treadmill. These machines boost mobility, agility and balance, each of which is critically important for a rapid bounce-back from a lower body injury. Further enhance your flexibility and strength with lateral drills, light plyometric activity, karaokes, in and outs and incremental sprints.
Exercises Following a Back Injury
Back injuries are particularly challenging. The lumbar (lower) portion of the back is especially sensitive in the aftermath of an injury. Though you might be tempted to do as little as possible following your back injury, it is imperative that you engage in rehabilitation exercises to ease your pain and heighten your mobility.

Back Extension
Perform back extensions by laying completely flat on the floor with your stomach facing down. Lift your shoulders and head off the mat while flexing your lower back muscles.
The Cow/Cat
This is a common yoga exercise that safely stretches the spine. Begin with your hands and knees on the floor. Exhale and round your back to the best of your ability. Inhale and arch your back. Repeat 10 times.
Tail Wagging
Tail wagging involves lightly bending the spine from side-to-side while maintaining the well-supported and completely safe quadruped position. Start out with your hands and knees on the ground. Flatten your spine. Bring your left shoulder to your left hip while slightly bending your spine to the side. Repeat on the right side.
The Back Bend
Begin by standing upright with your arms above your head. Bend back with the upper portion of your body. Reach back with your arms. Be sure to flex your abs during this exercise. Return to the starting point and repeat 10 times.
Exercises Following A Shoulder or Upper Body Injury
Top-notch wellness center equipment will prove critically important in your quest to bounce back from a shoulder or other upper body injury. Always warm up your shoulder and the rest of your upper body before engaging in any sort of exercise. Start out with some simple arm circles. Transition to 10 to 15 repetitions of Arnold dumbbell presses. Incorporate some side lateral raises, Cuban presses and lying rear delt raises.
Be sure to use light weights upon your return to the gym following your injury. Gradually increase your range of motion while engaging in lifts and exercises that provide mild resistance. Though this style of workout might feel a bit frustrating at first, try to think of it as a physical therapy session of sorts. You will eventually work your way back up to the heavier weights once you have moved beyond these safe and simple post-injury exercises.
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